
Welcome to my Blog Page!

List of contents below. Feel free to jump to relevant topic.

  1. GSoC Blog  
  2. Robotics
  3. CS/Programming
  4. Personal Updates
  5. Random Fun

GSoC Blog

GSoC blog on external site


MRSD Capstone: Technical Details

Familiarizing with Opensource Robotics Packages (Running Post)

Unitree High-Level Command in Simulation

MRSD Capstone: Project DarkBot by Team NightWalker

Finding intuitive sense in controls jargons

Hilti SLAM Challenge

Quick start to ROS2

MILP Models for Multi-Robot Non-Adversarial Search

Detection and Tracking of 2D Geometric Obstacles from LRF Data

OctoMap - 3D mapping framework based on octrees

Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Bot


Efficient C++

Metapackage vs Package

Debuggers: gdb vs lldm

Quick guide to using make and Makefile

Command Repository (Running Post)

Personal Updates

Made the Leap to a Terminal File Manager

Recipient of the J N Tata Scholarship

First response of Fall 2022: Accepted into CMU MRSD

Interdisciplinary B.Tech Project & an Honors degree at IIT Bombay

Bagged the Technical Citation Award

Accepted for GSoC '21 under JdeRobot

First Linux Rice

First time on a National Newspaper

First Position in International Micromouse Challenge

Random Fun

Getting shell-escape in TeXStudio to use python pygments

Jupyter Notebook inside Docker container

Fixing xmodmap in Ubuntu 22.04 via terminal

TIL in Pentesting (Running Post)

Key-binding to toggle Alacritty background opacity

Accessing locked pdf using crunch and JohnTheRipper

Toggle Dunst notification indicator in i3blocks

Revive Android device booted into wrong partition slot

TeXstudio inside Docker container

Disable incognito mode in Chrome (Linux)

Solved all the levels of OverTheWire Bandit