Project Documentation: Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Bot
Problem Definition
Demonstrate the inverted pendulum problem using a two-wheeled bot and input from gyroscope+accelerometer module
- MPU 6050
- Arduino Uno
- 2 x N20 12V 120 RPM Micro Metal Gear Motor With Encoder
- 2 x 3PI miniQ Car wheel Tyre 44mm N20 DC Gear Motor Wheel
- Motor driver L298
- Phone box as chassis
- SMPS Power Supply
Setup picture
Circuit diagram
Control equations
Used an SMPS for the first time
Single motor feedback to tilt
High Kp dance
Cord (Arduino powered through USB cable)
Final Demo: Cordless (Arduino powered by SMPS)
Other Learnings
- Calibrating MPU 6050
- Register level programming